How to

Controller Drifting What Is It? Top 8 Best Methods About How To Fix Controller Drift PS4?

Controller Drifting PS4

Controller drifting is when your controller movement has a mind of its own. The further you push the analog stick, the sharper it seems to turn, regardless of how hard you make it. It’s most noticeable in games where accuracy is essential, such as shooters and racers. Sticking too far forward might send you off course or out of bounds, but pressing left or right only moves the camera so far before it snaps back to center, making racing almost impossible without some serious concentration.

Best methods about how to fix controller drift ps4?

Without controller drifting, racing games would be nothing but perfect laps.

Our brains are used to the feeling of control after you turn left or right, so just shrugging off controller drift is not an option. Luckily enough, though, there are a few ways to fix it. Without further ado, let’s get on with this list.

1. Calibrate shoulder buttons

This is the first, simplest, and most common way to fix controller drifting. When you let go of an analog stick, it should always snap back into place. That said, if you’ve grown used to this behavior because your old controller suffered from severe drifting problems, then calibrating these shoulder keys might not be enough or could make things worse. Since there are tons of different controllers out there, calibration is also slightly different depending on the model, which isn’t exactly helpful if you’re buying a new one online and don’t have either the old for reference.

2. Clear your controller’s control pad

A common cause of controller drifting can be dirt and dust build-up on the analog stick. It might not happen to every controller out there, but most of them will eventually start having problems with it. You can see if this is causing your drifting by simply removing the control pads from either side and looking through them for dust or debris, hair, food crumbs, etc.

If you find something in there, you should be able to quickly solve this issue by blowing air through both sides like a trumpet (making sure that you don’t push anything into the holes). Just make sure that you don’t blow into it while pressing any buttons; otherwise, moisture could end up damaging your console. Remember: using canned air for this purpose is not a good idea and will only worsen things.

3. Restore defaults

This isn’t as drastic as it sounds; all you need to do is go through the settings option on your console and select controller restore defaults, or something along those lines, depending on your model of the PlayStation. This should reset everything to factory default values (including button assignments) and erase any lingering issues that might be causing problems with calibration.

If you’re using a new controller, there’s simply no way of knowing if this method is helpful, although it won’t hurt to try either way. If that doesn’t work for whatever reason, we’ve got one more solution up to our sleeve.

4. Recalibrate analog sticks

As far as we know, recalibrating the analog sticks (either of them) is a thing that can be done at any given time. You don’t have to throw away your controller or do anything drastic like that. All you need to do is go into settings and select calibration under controls, or something along those lines again, depending on which console you’re using. From there, use the left stick to calibrate one side of the control pad and use the other side’s right post to fix the other side if necessary. Suppose everything works well now, then congratulations! You might not need either our first or fifth solution now that this problem is behind you.

5. Replace your old sticks with new ones

If recalibrating both analog sticks still doesn’t solve the problem, then you might need to consider swapping out the analog stick for a newer one. If you’ve used the same controller for years (with some exceptions) and can definitively say that this is what’s causing all of your problems, swapping them out might be your only option left.

Please be aware that doing so isn’t exactly cheap or easy, but finding a solution shouldn’t be too difficult, seeing as how there are plenty of different controllers out there. Make sure that whatever replacement parts you buy are compatible with your specific model of PlayStation before making a purchase.

6. Contact Sony

If none of the above solutions work, then you might want to contact Sony and ask for a bit more help. In all likelihood, they’ll probably suggest something along the lines of replacing your controller for a completely new one, especially if you don’t have any warranty anymore.

But seeing as how this is a free service, it doesn’t hurt to ask about other options either, which you should be able to get from their support staff. By doing so, though, you might run into additional problems like shipping fees, so make sure that you’ve thought this through before asking them anything. If nothing else works (and replacement parts won’t either), these suggestions will hopefully solve the problem for good!

7. Start taking care of your controller

Even if you’re already keeping your precious console controllers in a friendly, clean environment, then there’s still a chance that these problems will occur. Therefore it would be in your best interest to take extra care of them to lessen the chances of any hardware failure from occurring. There are several different things that you can do to prevent wear and tear from forming on your controller, even when using it day after day.

8. Do not store your controllers in places where they can get wet!

Just don’t do it. And never leave them in the sun either because the heat will deteriorate the plastic over time until eventually it just won’t work. Suppose you’re trying to store your controller for an extended period. In that case, we suggest putting it in a plastic zipper bag and completely sealing it so nobody can get to it. But make sure the bag isn’t too tight because that will also damage the controller!

Controller drifting is a common issue that can occur with game controllers over time and can significantly affect gameplay. This phenomenon refers to the joystick’s tendency to move on its own, even when the player isn’t touching it, causing the character or cursor to move uncontrollably in one direction. There are several reasons why controller drifting might occur, including wear and tear, dust or debris buildup, or a faulty joystick sensor.

To fix controller drifting, you can try cleaning the joystick with compressed air or isopropyl alcohol, which can remove any dirt or debris that may be causing the problem. Alternatively, you can try recalibrating the controller by accessing the controller settings in your console or PC’s operating system. In more severe cases, you may need to replace the joystick or the entire controller. By addressing controller drifting promptly, you can improve your gaming experience and enjoy smoother, more precise gameplay.

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